The breathtaking saga of the second generation begins!
On a journey, Khorii's trip is delayed when her ship encounters a derelict spacecraft floating aimlessly among the stars, its crew dead in their seats. Suddenly a planned visit by her...
The alien Catteni invaded Earth and enslaved thousands of humans on the planet Botany, where they struggle to survive while colonizing the world for their overseers. Now that they’ve proved Botany is capable of sustaining life, Kris Bjornsen and...
The inhabitants of the penal planet Botany had fought a grim and dangerous war to free themselves from their Eosi overlords. Now the Eosi were gone, and both Botany and Earth were free again - free, but in serious trouble as the theft of all their...
These people will save the Galaxy...
LUNZIE - who has discovered that the one good heavyworlder she ever met isn't so good after all...
FORDELITON - who has been sent to investigate the connection between the super-rich and the planet...
At first Killashandra Ree's ambitions to become a Crystal Singer, get rich, and forget her past, were going just as she had hoped. But after she grew wealthy, a devastating storm turned her claim to useless rock. In short order she was broke, she...
La prima parte del “Volo di drago”.
Vincitore del premio Hugo per il miglior romanzo breve in 1968.
Nominato per il premio Nebula il miglior romanzo breve in...
In Changelings, bestselling authors Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough returned to the sentient planet Petaybee with a story of growth and transformation in the face of deadly new threats. The telepathic, shapeshifting twins Murel and...