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Ystad, Sweden. A man stops at an ATM during his evening walk and inexplicably falls dead to the ground. Two teenage girls brutally murder a taxi driver. They are quickly apprehended, shocking local policemen with their complete lack of remorse. One...
Once a successful surgeon, Frederick Welin now lives in self-imposed exile on an island in the Swedish archipelago. Nearly twelve years have passed since he was disgraced for attempting to cover up a tragic mishap on the operating table. One morning...
An original and breathtaking thriller surrounding one of the most important issues of our time, from internationally acclaimed and bestselling author Henning Mankell.
When archaeologist Louise Cantor’s son Henrik is found dead in his flat, she...
Als die Archäologin Louise Cantor ihren einzigen Sohn tot in seiner Stockholmer Wohnung findet, ist sie sich sicher: Henrik wurde ermordet. Doch die Polizei geht von Selbstmord aus und stellt ihre Ermittlungen ein. Also beginnt Louise, auf...
Ein altes Bauernpaar ist auf seinem Hof brutal ermordet worden. Kurz vor ihrem Tod hatte die Bäuerin noch einen letzten seltsamen Hinweis gegeben …
Kurt Wallander stieß die Tür mit dem Fuß auf. Es war schlimmer, als er es...
Joel thinks nothing’s going on in his small town. But he’s wrong. One day, a miracle happens to him. He’s very nearly run over by a bus, but is miraculously unhurt. Shouldn’t he show gratitude somehow? Surely a good deed of some sort is in...
Lukas adores his kitten, named Night. So when Night disappears Lukas is devastated and spends days searching for his pet. Eventually, with the help of friends and family, he begins to learn that sometimes we have to let go of the ones we...