sastādītāji Ģedimins Beresņēvičs, Imants Belogrivs
Baltijas Teiksma
Lietuviešu fantāzija un fantastika
Mēs redzam visu savādāk… Mūsu meli var likties esam par nākotni, ber jūs zināt tie ari ir meli, vai ne? Mūsu meli...
Since the night Inspector Haritos had the brilliant idea to offer his chest as a shield in order to save Elena Kousta from a bullet fired by her stepson, his life has changed radically. Haritos' long convalescence has given his wife the opportunity...
Petros Markaris's crime fiction has won critical acclaim around the world. His suspense novels are propelled by intricate plots and peopled by villains and all-too-human heroes tangled up in the peculiar ways of contemporary Greece, and at their...
Əli Seyid Müseyib oğlu Hüseynov (Mirzadə) 1929-cu ildə Laçın rayonunun Alıqulu kəndində anadan olmuşdur. Çətin və şərəfli həyat yolu keçmiş Əli Hüseynov 4 noyabr 2019-cu ildə Sumqayıt şəhərində vəfat etmişdir. Kitabda...
Nivel A1-A2
En una casa del barrio de Gracia en Barcelona pasan cosas muy raras. El fantasma de la especulación inmobiliaria es el protagonista en la víspera de Todos los Santos, una noche de Halloween muy especial para la taxissta Pepa Villa y...
Officially in English for the first time: the modern fantasy danmei/Boys’ Love trilogy about gods, ghosts, and supernatural investigations! Don’t miss the popular live-action drama streaming in English, or Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang by the same...