The Russian Lieutenant

The Russian Lieutenant
Шпионские детективы
Автор: Marshall Peter
Язык: английский
Год: 2020
Издатель: Clink Street Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-913340-72-8
Город: London
Добавил: Admin 24 Июн 20
Проверил: Admin 24 Июн 20
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It all began with an online date, which led Marina Peters into the ruthless world of international espionage.
This is a first novel from an experienced writer of non-fiction books. It describes how Marina Peters’ grandparents emigrated to England from Russia in the 1930s. She is a likeable and quietly ambitious single young woman working at the Royal Navy’s Portsmouth Base on the Dockyard Commodore’s staff. Nikolai Aldanov is a handsome 35-year old widower and a Lieutenant in the Russian Navy who has been corresponding with Marina through an online dating site. The pair have been sharing details of their lives, common interests and histories and have struck up quite a friendship. When Marina arranges to meet her Russian Lieutenant in person, she has no inkling of the unexpected consequences of her date, as she is introduced into the ruthless world of international espionage.

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