Alive and Dead in Indiana is a collection of stories focusing on eight famous Americans who have had close connections to Indiana. It is a blend fact and fiction that casts new light on the personalities and the...
Four is the magic number in Michael Martone’s Four for a Quarter. In subject — four fifth Beatles, four tie knots, four retellings of the first Xerox, even the sex lives of the Fantastic Four — and in structure — the book is separated into...
Is it truth or fiction? Memoir or essay? Narrative or associative? To a writer like Michael Martone, questions like these are high praise. Martone’s studied disregard of form and his unruffled embrace of the prospect that nothing-no story, no...
A collection of short stories, most of them set in Indiana, focuses on the meddling of fact and fiction and includes a dozen satiric-but also sympathetic-tales written in the persona of Indiana's famous son, Dan...