It only grows at night. Karen Tandy was a sweet and unassuming girl until she discovers the mysterious lump growing underneath her skin. As the doctors and specialists are puzzling over the growth, Karen's personality is beginning to drastically...
The long awaited fifth novel in the Night Warriors series — When a thirteenth century monk was caught having a relationship with a married woman, his punishment was to have his arms and legs amputated. The Monk then turned against God and formed...
There are no words...
Holly Summers is deaf, but she "hears" thanks to her immense talent for lip-reading. A child welfare officer, Holly moonlights for the Portland, Oregon, police, using her unique gift to aid in criminal investigations...
Kiedy młody Kubańczyk Fidelio Valdes uciekał z domu, nie miał pojęcia, że spotka na swej drodze dziwnego człowieka i że to spotkanie będzie bardzo brzemienne w skutki. Tymczasem w małym miasteczku w...