Pus Junkies

Pus Junkies
Ужасы, Юмористическая фантастика
Автор: McKenzie Shane
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Издатель: Eraserhead Press
ISBN: 9781621051367
Город: Portland
Добавил: Admin 8 Фев 14
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Kip has the worst case of acne that anyone has ever seen. Zits cover his entire body; his skin is aflame with bright red, pus-filled sores. He has become an outcast in his school and the other kids call him Toad.
But what they don’t know is the pus leaking from Kip’s acne is actually a powerful narcotic that produces strong psychedelic effects. Soon, everyone in school will want a taste of his hallucinogenic cream and this former-loser will become the most popular kid in school. But once you lick the Toad, there’s no going back to normal drugs. His classmates just can’t get enough. And as their addiction grows, they will stop at nothing to get it…
In the spirit of Street Trash and Class of Nuke Em’ High comes a novel about growing up, finding yourself, and tripping on bodily fluids. Shane McKenzie and Eraserhead Press present a bizarro high school drama drenched in Technicolor-splatter!

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