Anthony Tinoco is just an average guy looking forward to his first day at college. Unfortunately, he gets lost on the huge campus and when he follows a hot girl to what he thinks may be his first class, he’s accidentally introduced to a new world...
Armon Ellington died on earth and was transported to Terra, a world governed by rules eerily similar to the RPG games he loved. He found he could gain levels, skills, abilities, and magic just like he could in those games. In addition to finding a...
Armon Ellington is nineteen year old kid that always felt out of place. He’s an orphan, a gamer, and a role playing game geek. When he dies after a seventy-two hour gaming marathon, instead of going to an afterlife he’s transported to a new...
Fresh off his victory at the System Games, Anthony Tinoco is living a life he never could have dreamed of. His family is safe in a brand-new home, he's enrolled in college, he has an incredibly hot girlfriend, and, best of all, he gets to fight...