A plot designed by the United States' top-secret agency, CURE, to dispose of a certain corrupt politician, is revealed in what unravels into a national scandal. The agency must be dismantled before greater suspicions arise and one of the top...
An army of renegade cops across the country have been assigned the task of squashing criminal cockroaches under their boots. It's a dirty job and the White House entrusts it to only one man - The Destroyer. Between Master Chiun's exquisite sense...
When a giant transportation union controlling all air, train and truck traffic is born, not only does this conglomerate pose a threat to the local leaders, but the entire country is at risk until Remo Williams moves in to dissolve danger in a...
Brilliant and dazzlingly beautiful Dr. Lithia Forrester is masterminding an undercover agency that is stealing America's top secrets. The group is infiltrating the highest echelons of the U.S. government and planning to sell the information at an...
When ten billion filthy drug dollars' worth of heroin pollutes the Jersey shore and threatens to make the Mafia a second Evil Empire, the president knows there's just one man who can stop a Jersey Kingpin from destroying the country and that's an...
The big brains behind the business usually have many pots boiling on their stove, or running their think engines as the case may be. But when the business motto of the Brewster forum, "Pursuing Research Into Original Thought", leads them to some...
A-Kickin' and A-Grinnin'
The tiny Caribbean tourist trap of Union Island wants to declare its independence from the U.S. And while baby-faced island leader Greg Grom's "Free Union Island" movement is taken about as seriously as a summer day,...
Not So Jolly Roger . . .
Complete with skull and crossbones fluttering in the wind, "Captain" Thomas Kidd is the new scourge of the Caribbean, raiding unsuspecting pleasure craft and pursuing the great piratical tradition of looting,...
A hungry enemy comes back for seconds . . .
Man Eater
Sexy scientist Dr. Judith White, who first attempted to repopulate the earth with mutant, man-eating tiger people, has bounced back from extinction with a new and improved plan for...
Something's rotten in the garbage business -- and CURE is ready to take out the trash . . .
Mayana -- a South American country known only for a mass cult suicide -- is poised to...