Step into a London ravaged by unearthly creatures at once utterly alien and chillingly familiar. In China Miéville's award-winning novella 'The Tain', we learn the reason for the invaders' terrible revenge. One survivor must trek through the...
Blizna, rozgrywająca się w tym samym świecie co Dworzec Perdido, to kreacjapełna rozmachu i młodzieńczej energii, widać w niej przy tym, że Mieville próbuje szukać oryginalności także w...
China Miéville's novel Iron Council is the tumultuous story of the "Perpetual Train." Born from monopolists' greed and dispatched to tame the western lands beyond New Crobuzon, the train is itself the beginnings of an Iron Council formed in the...
La metrópolis de Nueva Crobuzon se extiende desde el centro del mundo. Humanos, mutantes y razas arcanas malviven en la penumbra bajo sus chimeneas, donde el río se trona viscoso por los afluentes artificiales, donde las fábricas y...
The story is set in New Crobuzon, a city in Mieville's created world Bas-Lag and the setting of Perdido Street Station and Iron Council. It takes place after the capture of the infamous New Crobuzon criminal/terrorist, Jack Half-a-Prayer, and is...
China Miéville doesn’t follow trends, he sets them. Relentlessly pushing his own boundaries as a writer—and in the process expanding the boundaries of the entire field—with Embassytown, Miéville has crafted an extraordinary novel that is not...