This strikingly original love story deals with the disintegration of a marriage, a breakdown which occurred against the wishes of its principals and in spite of their good intentions. Martha Pearson, the central figure, is a young woman of...
Did she fall? When Mrs. Wilma Wyatt crashed to her death from the balcony of her room in a Mexico City hotel, no one knew whether it was an accident, suicide or murder. And when, shortly after, her friend and travelling companion, Amy Kellogg,...
Dr. Paul Prye, who mode his effective first appearance in The Invisible Worm, continues to annoy people and catch murderers in this present opus. Dr. Prye was threatened by Joan, a hefty blonde of eighteen, with a quick demise in the bottom of the...
Having heard that her first husband, B. J. Lockwood, had amassed a fortune in Mexico, and with her second husband now a helpless invalid and dying, Gilda Decker hires Tom Aragon to go to Mexico to search for Lockwood. The stated reason: Gilda wants...