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The Last Empress
Историческая проза

The Last Empress

Автор: Мин Анчи
Язык: английский
Год: 2007
полная версия

The last decades of the nineteenth century were a violent period in China"s history marked by humiliating foreign incursions and domestic rebellion, ultimately ending in the demise of the Ch"ing dynasty. The only constant during this tumultuous...
Empress Orchid
Историческая проза

Empress Orchid

Автор: Мин Анчи
Язык: английский
Год: 2004
полная версия

The Richard and Judy Best Read of the Year (nominee) To rescue her family from poverty and avoid marrying her slope-shouldered cousin, seventeen-year-old Orchid competes to be one of the Emperor's wives. When she is chosen as a lower-ranking...
La Ciudad Prohibida
Историческая проза

La Ciudad Prohibida

Автор: Мин Анчи
Язык: испанский
полная версия

La historia de la última emperatriz de China, una mujer ambiciosa que durante generaciones fue recordada como una gran seductora y una asesina sin escrúpulos. Anchee Min brinda el vívido retrato de un personaje fascinante y, a...