One of the hallmarks of French author Patrick Modiano’s writing is a singular ability to revisit particular motifs and episodes, infusing each telling with new detail and emotional nuance. In this evocative novel the internationally acclaimed...
In the Café of Lost Youth is vintage Patrick Modiano, an absorbing evocation of a particular Paris of the 1950s, shadowy and shady, a secret world of writers, criminals, drinkers, and drifters. The novel, inspired in part by the circle (depicted in...
En exergue de cet étonnant récit, une histoire juive : «Au mois de juin 1942, un officier allemand s'avance vers un jeune homme et lui dit : "Pardon, monsieur, où se trouve la place de l'Étoile ?" Le...
Le narrateur part à la recherche de son père. Le voici dans un village, en bordure de la forêt de Fontainebleau, du temps de l'occupation, au milieu d'individus troubles. Qui est ce père ? Trafiquant ? Juif...
A mesmerizing novel by Nobel Laureate Patrick Modiano, now superbly translated for English-language readers.
For long standing admirers of Modiano’s luminous writing as well as those readers encountering his work for the first time, Little...
This uneasy, compelling novel begins with a nighttime accident on the streets of Paris. The unnamed narrator, a teenage boy, is hit by a car whose driver he vaguely recalls having met before. The mysterious ensuing events, involving a police van, a...
In this rare glimpse into the life of Nobel laureate Patrick Modiano, the author takes up his pen to tell his personal story. He addresses his early years — shadowy times in postwar Paris that haunt his memory and have inspired his world-cherished...
Ring Roads, for which Modiano was awarded the French Academy's Grand Prix du Roman (1972), is the story of a young Jew, Serge, in search of his father, Chalva, who disappeared from his life ten years earlier. He finds him trying to survive the...