One of the hallmarks of French author Patrick Modiano’s writing is a singular ability to revisit particular motifs and episodes, infusing each telling with new detail and emotional nuance. In this evocative novel the internationally acclaimed...
Ring Roads, for which Modiano was awarded the French Academy's Grand Prix du Roman (1972), is the story of a young Jew, Serge, in search of his father, Chalva, who disappeared from his life ten years earlier. He finds him trying to survive the...
When Patrick Modiano was awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize for LIterature he was praised for using the 'art of memory' to bring to life the Occupation of Paris during the Second World War. The Night Watch is his second novel and tells the story of a...
Although originally published separately, Patrick Modiano’s three novellas form a single, compelling whole, haunted by the same gauzy sense of place and characters. Modiano draws on his own experiences, blended with the real or invented stories...
Un été des années soixante. Une petite ville française au bord d'un lac, près de la Suisse. Victor Chmara a dix-huit ans et se cache parce qu'il a peur. D'étranges personnages hantent cette ville d'eau,...
Le narrateur part à la recherche de son père. Le voici dans un village, en bordure de la forêt de Fontainebleau, du temps de l'occupation, au milieu d'individus troubles. Qui est ce père ? Trafiquant ? Juif...