Valters Merss
Kapteiņa zilā lāča 13.1/2 dzīves
Kapteinis Zilais lācis aizviļ lasītāju uz pasauli, kur fantāzija un humors ir ēverģēlīgi izlauzušies brīvībā: uz Camonijas kontinentu, kurā prāta spējas ir lipīga slimība...
Optimus Yanspinner inherits from his godfather an unpublished manuscript by an unknown writer and sets off to track down the mysterious author, who disappeared into Bookholm - the so-called City of Dreaming Books. Yarnspinner falls under the spell...
Eine labyrinthartige Welt, ein mysteriöser Schattenkönig, skrupellose Bücherjäger und alberne Buchlinge - in diese absonderliche Welt gerät der junge Dichter Hildegunst von Mythenmetz. Denn sein Forscherdrang hat ihn nach...
When Echo the Crat's mistress dies, he is compelled to sign a contract with Ghoolion the Alchemaster. This fateful document gives Ghoolion the right to kill Echo at the next full moon and render his fat, which he hopes to brew into an immortality...