When the Empire died, they were born—a new hope for the New Republic. The young twins of Han Solo and Princess Leia have grown strong with the Force, thwarting the evil Nolaa Tarkona and destroying the Emperor’s Plague. Now, with their friends Lowbacca the Wookiee and Tenel Ka, the future heroes of an already legendary saga continue their training.
Anja Gallandro planned to destroy the Solo family. But now she fights an intense inner battle—against her growing spice addiction, and her growing friendship with Jacen and Jaina. She no longer knows where her loyalties lie. In desperation for spice, she steals a ship and flees the Jedi academy.
The young Jedi Knights give chase, following her from the spice mines of Kessel to the dangerous paradise of Crystal Reef. But Anja has been a pawn all along in a game that is much bigger than all of them. And they just landed in the middle of it…
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