When the Empire died, they were born—a new hope for the New Republic. The young twins of Han Solo and Princess Leia have taken their first steps as Jedi Knights, defeating the evil minions of the Shadow Academy. Now, with their friends Tenel Ka and Lowbacca the Wookiee, the future heroes of an already legendary saga continue their training.
Lowbacca has left the Jedi academy and traveled to the planet Ryloth, headquarters of the Diversity Alliance, to see what the Diversity Alliance is really all about.
On Yavin 4, Jacen, Jaina, and the other young Jedi Knights have already discovered one truth about the Alliance—once you go to Ryloth, you either join, or you die. Lowie is in great danger, and they must rescue him. But what can a small group of humans do against a planet full of hostile aliens?
Комментарии к книге "Jedi Bounty"