In Before Sunrise, a short, dark novel, we meet Will Fortin of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, on patrol in southern Alberta. It's a lonely region where the sky meets the land on even terms, where the landscape exaggerates or diminishes your...
"Moves like a Tornado." – James Patterson
Terror claws into the lives of an American family…
On a quiet night in their tranquil suburban home, the Fulton family awakens to a nightmare. Four armed men force bank manager Dan Fulton to steal a...
"A blisteringly paced story that cuts to the bone. It left me ripping through pages deep into the night." – James Rollins
Crisis in the skies
Pilots with no control…
High above the Adirondack Mountains, a commuter flight to New York City turns...
"Rick Morfina's tense, taut writing makes every thriller he writes an adrenaline-packed ride." – Tess Gerritsen
Deep in the woods of upstate New York a woman flees a blazing barn. She is burned beyond recognition, and her dying...
Eleven-year-old Tilly Martin is dragged from her suburban bedroom. Her mother, Cora, pleads for mercy but the kidnappers are clear: if they don't get their $5 million back in five days, Tilly dies. If anyone contacts police, Tilly dies.
The sins of the past shall not be forgiven. 'A Murdered Nun' - The face Sister Anne sees behind her in the mirror belongs to a man she knew years ago; the cold blade against her throat guarantees her silence. The story of his career - The shocking...
A single mother becomes an eyewitness to murder
Lisa Palmer has barely recovered from the sudden death of her husband when she is drawn into a new nightmare. On her way home from upstate New York, Lisa stops at a service center minutes before...