The captivating new novel from RNA prize winner Jojo Moyes - based on a true story. The year is 1946, and all over the world young women are crossing the seas in their thousands en route to the men they married in wartime, and an unknown future. In...
Nell is 26 and has never been to Paris. She has never even been on a weekend away with her boyfriend. Everyone knows she is just not the adventurous type.
But when her boyfriend doesn't turn up for their romantic mini-break, Nell has the chance to...
Jojo's new book, Still Me, the next book featuring Louisa Clark from Me Before You and After You, is available now!
"We all lose what we love at some point, but in her poignant, funny way, Moyes reminds us that even if it's not always happy, there...
When journalist Ellie looks through her newspaper's archives for a story, she doesn't think she'll find anything of interest. Instead she discovers a letter from 1960, written by a man asking his lover to leave her husband - and Ellie is caught up...