Wizard Felix Harrogate's master has stripped Felix of his magic in a sadistic ritual that destroyed the Virtu, which protects the city of Melusine, and had him declared a heretic outcast. Felix, maddened by this disaster, and his brother, cat burglar-assassin Mildmay the Fox, permanently injured by a magical curse gone awry, have spent considerable time recovering, and now Felix wants his former life, status, and power back. He determines to do the impossible: return to Melusine and repair and reactivate the Virtu. He doesn't, however, count on encountering his former master, Malker Gennadion, face-to-face. In another fine, compelling volume, Monette tidies up the loose ends and unresolved issues of Melusine (2005). Often-insufferable Felix and street-savvy Mildmay are nicely developed further, and a new central character, Mehitabel Parr, adds color and balance to their cadre. As before, no one is exactly who or what he or she seems, which only increases the fun. The magic is delightfully inventive, and the world Monette creates includes some truly intriguing aspects. Nor could one find a more deliciously sadistic villain than Malker. Perhaps best of all is Monette's authorial voice, abundantly blessed with originality, sophistication, and artistry.
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