No Jolly Roger, no cannonballs whining across the Caribbean seas, no shrieking rabble of half-dressed, bearded cut-throats tumbling into the ship; none of these heralded the arrival of the Nylon Pirates. For they were the pirates of the twentieth-century sea-lanes, suave, elegant, discreet, moving with ease amongst the luxury to which they were accustomed. Yet they were still pirates in the old tradition, for they came with calculated greed and malice, and their methods were, if anything, more ruthless, more predatory, than any in the long line of their predecessors. Their travelling companions, their victims, were the rich, the spoiled, the extravagant, the weak; businessmen with middle-aged spread, large bank balances and unforgiving wives, legacy-laden matrons, and divorcees with alimony. All could be induced or forced to assist in the redistribution of their wealth.
The Nylon Pirates is not a book for the squeamish; it is an honest portrayal of human beings at their best and their worst, confined in the microcosm of a ship. Vanity, greed and cruelty are common alike to the nylon pirates and their victims; and the price both pay is the sum of their folly and their weakness.
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