In the sequel to The Ship Who Won, written by Nye with Anne McCaffrey, Carialle and Keff, the brainship and brawn who discovered intelligent life on the planet Ozran, now serve as couriers for the "globe-frogs", to return their new friends from...
For all her theoretical training, this was the first time she would experience the cryogenic process. Lunzie gazed into the lucite block, smiled into the image of Fiona's eyes. "What an adventure I'll have to tell you about when I see you, my...
On a mission to search the galaxy for intelligent beings, Carialle and Keff encounter a bizarre alien race ruled by sorcerers who seem to possess magical powers of enormous...
As head dragon and owner of a successful gambling operation in New Orleans, Griffen McCandles has a lot on his plate. Especially since the Krewe of Fafnir–a society of dragons–has asked him to be the king of their Mardi Gras parade. Being the...