In the sixth adventure of a seven-book series beginning with Mister Monday (2003), Arthur tries to hide his powers, his identity, and his body’s gradual shift toward immortality as he explores the enormous, fantastically constructed House in...
GARTH NIX grew up in Canberra, Australia. When he turned nineteen, he left to drive around the United Kingdom in a beat-up Austin with a boot full of books and a Silver-Reed typewriter. Despite a wheel literally falling off the car, he survived...
The second incredible book in The Keys to the Kingdom, now in hardcover. Arthur doesn't think he will ever have to return to the strange house that nearly killed him on Monday -- the house that contains an entire world. But Tuesday brings new...
The stunning conclusion to the blockbuster Keys to the Kingdom series. Arthur Penhaligon wields six of the seven Keys to the Kingdom, but will that be enough to defeat Lord Sunday?
Master of the Incomparable Gardens, the last of the Trustees,...
Garth Nix was born in 1963 in Melbourne, Australia. A full-time writer since 2001, he has previously worked as a literary agent, marketing consultant, book editor, book publicist, book sales representative, bookseller, and as a part-time soldier...