La vie d’un Pak passait par trois phases : jeune, reproducteur, et enfin protecteur. Phssthpok était un protecteur. Il voyageait depuis près de 32 000 ans. Sa mission était de rechercher, sauver, développer et protéger le groupe de Paks...
Phssthpok the Pak had been traveling for most of his thirty-two thousand years. His mission: save, develop, and protect the group of Pak breeders sent out into space some two and a half million years before…
Brennan was a Belter, the product of a...
Opera aduce în prim plan o specie numită Pak, introdusă pentru prima dată în povestirea Pak Protectors. Prima jumătate a romanului se intitulează Phssthpok (şi a fost publicată anterior sub titlul The...
Abenteurer dreier verschiedenen Rassen unternehmen eine waghalsige Expedition zum größten Wunder der Milchstraße: Einst baute ein längst vergessenes Volk eine gigantische ringförmige Welt, die um eine Sonne rotiert. Die...
In 2855 wordt een onderzoeksexpeditie naar de Ringwereld gestuurd, een gigantische door onbekenden gebouwde wereld-ring om een ster. Nessus de poppenspeler, een buitenaards ras, vraagt Louis Wu, Teela Brown en de Kzin-strijder Spreker-tot-Dieren...
A new place is being built, a world of huge dimensions, encompassing millions of miles, stronger than any planet before it. There is gravity, and with high walls and its proximity to the sun, a livable new planet that is three million times the...
The Perfect Crime...
The invention of displacement booths produced one hell of a crime wave. If a man in; say, Hawaii could commit murder in, say, Chicago and be back in the time it would take him to visit the men’s room, he would have a...