Cartea conţine două fire narative principale, care se întrepătrund abia spre final. Marea parte a primei jumătăţi a poveştii este dedicată reunirii unor specii hominide de pe inel, pentru a ucide un cuib...
An honored SF writer returns to his best-known creation: the artificial world, built far from Earth by aliens over a half million years ago, in the form of a ring 600 million miles in diameter, hosting an astonishing multitude of inhabitants and...
D’un trou noir dans les profondeurs de l’espace a jailli un rayon de lumière rubis cent fois plus brillant que la Lune.
Était-ce l’Œil dans le Visage de Dieu ou le soleil sanglant de nos premiers visiteurs intergalactiques ?
Cuando EL MARTILLO DE LUCIFER, el cometa gigante, chocó contra la Tierra, hizo pedazos la civilización. Los días felices habían terminado. Estaban viviendo el fin del mundo. Los terremotos eran tan fuertes que no podían...
Writing separately, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle are responsible for a number of science fiction classics, such as the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning Ringworld, Debt of Honor, and The Integral Trees. Together they have written the critically...