Swimming with Sharks

Swimming with Sharks
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Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Издатель: AmazonCrossing
ISBN: 9781611099256
Город: Las Vegas
Переводчик: Christine M. Grimm
Добавил: Admin 26 Фев 14
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Ambitious, brilliant, and beautiful, Alex Sondheim is the undisputed star of Wall Street—and she knows it. So it comes as no surprise when Levy Manhattan Investments taps her to take their prestigious firm to the next level. She can name her price, but can she live up to their expectations?
Because behind the glittering facade of luxury offices, five-star dinners, and million-dollar investments hides the firm’s true power player: a deadly criminal cartel. Caught up in a steamy relationship with handsome real-estate mogul Sergio Vitali, Alex is blind to the danger—until an assassination attempt against the city’s crusading mayor claims the lives of three innocent people. To protect the city’s people and save herself, she’ll have to put everything on the line: her job, her reputation… and her life.
A sleek Wall Street thriller pitting a brilliant young executive against a lethal underground, Swimming with Sharks breathes dangerous life into the cutthroat legacy of corporate banking.

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