This is the third installment of John Norman's popular and controversial Gor series. Tarl Cabot is the intrepid tarnsman of the planet Gor, a harsh society with a rigid caste system that personifies the most brutal form of social Darwinism. In...
Welcome to Gor, a parallel Earth, where social norms are exotic and the way of life is brutal. In the fifth book in the Gorean Series, the deadly assassin Kuurus is intent on a bloody mission of vengeance. His adventure takes him from the caste...
El terráqueo Tarl Cabot, ahora guerrero de la Contratierra, se aleja de los Montes Sardos llevando la misión de recuperar un misterioso objeto, fundamental para los destinos de los reyes sacerdotes. Los nómadas de Gor, los...
On Earth, Elinor Brinton was accustomed to having it allwealth, beauty, and a host of men wrapped around her little finger. But Elinors spoiled existence is a thing of the past. She is now a pleasure slave of Gora world whose society insists on...
Former Earthman Tarl Cabot is now a powerful Tarnsman of the brutal and caste-bound planet of Gor, also known as Counter-earth. He embarks on an adventure in the dangerous and mysterious wilderness of Gor, pitting his warrior skills against...
Tarl Cabot has struggled to free himself from the control of Gor's powerful Priest-Kings, but to no avail. Now he finds that mission challenged by a threat emanating from the planets forbidding northern lands. There, a menacing alien force waits...