The Federation has endured for hundreds of years, but as corruption and decadence wear away the core of human unity, rogue admirals rise in rebellion. As the Federation struggles for survival, two officers, an old Admiral and a newly-minted...
Humanity is losing the war. The once-mighty space navies have been crippled, officers and crew have been stretched to the limit and Earth herself has come under heavy attack. The end cannot be long delayed. For Admiral Smith and the crew of HMS...
“Why? We’re not at war with Germany.”
“With all due respect, sir, Nazi Germany is at war with us.”
After a night of terror, Britain wakes up to discover that the entire nation has been thrown back in time, to 1940… and the...
“They say that generals always prepare for the last war, and now they have a chance to fight it… so why are we still barely holding our own?”
Six months after Britain discovered itself to be in 1940, the war is still raging. From Norway...
“The Fuhrer is dead – long live the Fuhrer.”
Adolf Hitler and Franklin Delano Roosevelt lie dead, but the war goes on, nearly two years since Britain was moved back in time to 1940. As 1942 dawns, all of the powers know that the final...
The Empire — a tyranny stretching over thousands of worlds, run by the corrupt and evil Thousand Families. Freedom, justice and liberty are a joke. Resistance is futile. From the formerly independent worlds crushed by the Empire, to the slaves...
It is two years after the fall of the UN released the planet Svergie from bondage, yet all is not well. The government is on the verge of breaking apart between competing factions, Communist groups are preparing a mass uprising and the...
When alien starships from a hostile interstellar power arrive in orbit, Britain is one of their first targets. Swiftly, the aliens take control of Britain’s cities and force the remainder of the British military to go on the run. With the...
In 1941, Adolf Hitler didn’t declare war on the United States. Now, in 1985, the Third Reich stretching from the coast of France to the icy wastes of Eastern Russia, appears supremely powerful. With a powerful force of nuclear warheads and the...
Germany, 1985.
The Reich Council has fallen and the Reich is sundered in two, but the uneasy peace will not last long. To the east, Karl Holliston – now styling himself the Fuhrer of the Greater German Reich – is planning the conquest of...