It is 1888 and Queen Victoria has remarried, taking as her new consort Vlad Tepes, the Wallachian Prince infamously known as Count Dracula. Peppered with familiar characters from Victorian history and fiction, the novel follows vampire...
Anyone who has ever read a story about the legendary Holmes and Watson has heard of Professor Moriarty and Sebastian Moran. But now Kim Newman sheds light on the secret history of "Basher" Moran and the "Napoleon of Crime" and how they came...
Two British writers add their own bizarre spin to a familiar American tale. Veteran Asimov’s author Paul J. McAuley’s most recent story for us, “Second Skin,” was published in our April 1997 issue. Kim Newman, who is making his first...
An anthology of stories
Following the huge success of the previous BBM collections comes the latest batch of stories from the UK's top-flight crime writers. Alongside an "Inspector Morse" story from Colin Dexter and a "Rumpole" tale from John...
Continuing the series begun with his novel Anno Dracula, Newman recounts the bizarre events of yet another alternative vampire history and introduces a terrifying new anti-hero--the feared flying monster of the Great War, Baron Manfred von...
Genevieve Dieudonné is a vampire – but that doesn't make her evil. Follow her adventures across three novels and an anthology as she battles the darkness across the Old World with an unlikely collection of allies.
Experience the...