Life in the West

Life in the West
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Серия: The Squire Quartet #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
Издатель: E-Reads
ISBN: 978-1617567742
Добавил: Admin 26 Апр 13
Проверил: Admin 26 Апр 13
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Thomas C. Squire, creator of the hit documentary series Frankenstein Among the Arts, one-time secret agent and founder of the Society for Popular aesthetics, is attending an international media symposium in Sicily. It is here that he becomes involved with lovely, but calculating Selina Ajdina. Alongside the drama of the conference is the story of Squire’s private life—the tale of his infidelity, the horrifying circumstances surrounding his father’s death and the threatened future of his ancestral home in England. Selected by Anthony Burgess as one of the 99 best novels since 1939.

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