In the aftermath of the war in Vietnam, thousands of desperate refugees fled the killing fields for new lives in Southern California. But for those who settled in “Little Saigon,” the war never really ended. The latest victim of the continuing...
As he did in Laguna Heat, T. Jefferson Parker once again combines his atmospheric style and unforgettable images of California to create a spellbinding mystery that continually anticipates your very thoughts, a novel in which each new revelation...
Matt Stromsoe has come a long way since his wife and son were killed in an explosion meant for him. Wounded severely in both body and spirit, Stromsoe gave up the last thing that held any meaning for him — his job on the police force — and...
Returning hero and private investigator Roland Ford is on the trail of a mysterious killer who is beheading CIA drone operators and leaving puzzling clues at each crime scene. His troubled friend Lindsay Rakes is afraid for her own life and the life...
Tim Hess is a semi-retired veteran cop staring at a death sentence — his own. In the throes of a losing battle against cancer, his time is literally running out. Three times divorced, childless. Hess is the classic loner cop — and he’s happy...
Charlie Hood searches for an undercover agent who has disappeared, only to resurface in a haunting series of bizarre and inexplicable video tapes. The trail leads Charlie into the fevered landscape of America's southern border and the unexplored...
My life was ordinary until three years ago when I was thrown out of a downtown hotel window. My name is Robbie Brownlaw, and I am a homicide detective for the city of San Diego. I am twenty-nine years old. I now have synesthesia, a neurological...