The greatest superpower of all isn't to be part spider, part man, or to cast magic spells – the greatest power is the power to create.
Daniel has that power.
Daniel's secret abilities – like being able to manipulate objects and animals with his...
Syd, a breathtakingly beautiful supermodel on a photo shoot in Hawaii, disappears. Fearing the worst, her parents travel to Hawaii to investigate for themselves, never expecting the horror that awaits them. LA Times reporter Ben Hawkins is...
Porucznik Lindsay Boxer, kierująca wydziałem zabójstw w San Francisco, jest przypadkowym świadkiem eksplozji bomby w willi magnata przemysłowego Mortona Lightowera. Z poświęceniem ratuje kilkuletniego chłopca...
Detektyw Alex Cross przybywa do mieszkania swojej zamordowanej partnerki i przyjaciółki, agentki FBI.
Już wie, że za jej śmierć odpowiedzialny jest jego zaprzysięgły wróg, nieuchwytny psychopata,...
We will take on any case, solve any crime, uncover any secret.
We are Private. And we’re the best.
An invitation from an old friend draws Jack Morgan into a deadly conspiracy...
On a cold January morning, Jack Morgan stands inside the...
Lauren Stillwell is not your average damsel in distress. When the NYPD cop discovers her husband leaving a hotel with another woman, she decides to beat him at his own game. But her revenge goes dangerously awry, and she finds her world spiraling...