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Against Medical Advice

Against Medical Advice

Год: 2008
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Cory Friedman woke up one morning when he was five years old with the uncontrollable urge to shake his head and his life was never the same again. From that day forward his life became a hell of uncontrollable tics, urges, and involuntary...
Miracle On the 17th Green

Miracle On the 17th Green

Год: 1996
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Just when we need some magic in our lives, bestselling author James Patterson and Peter de Jonge bring us a stirring tale of life, love, and the power of miracles. Travis McKinley is an ordinary man living an ordinary life - he has a job that he...
Cross Country

Cross Country

Серия: Alex Cross #14
Язык: английский
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The fourteenth book in the Alex Cross series When the home of Alex Cross's oldest friend, Ellie Cox, is turned into the worst murder scene Alex has ever seen, the destruction leads him to believe that he's chasing a horrible new breed of killer....
6-я мишень
Маньяки, Триллер

6-я мишень

Язык: русский
Год: 2009
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Экскурсионный паром стал местом кровавой бойни, которую учинил Фред Бринкли, внезапно открывший стрельбу по туристам. Четверо убиты....
Спасатель (в сокращении)
Другие детективы

Спасатель (в сокращении)

Язык: русский
Год: 2007
полная версия

Неда Келли, спасателя из Палм-Бич, разыскивает полиция — за убийства и кражу, которых он не совершал. Но агент ФБР Элли Шертлеф верит в...