A private army of killers bursts across the Mexican border into Arizona, seeking revenge for an attack on their narcotics stronghold. They discover their quarry holed up in tiny desert town and issue an ultimatum: surrender the target or...
The call to Mack Bolan is urgent, almost frantic. Rosario Blancanaless kid sister, Toni, has been raped and beaten — but at least she is still alive, unlike the five otehr victims whose throats were slashed by the Minneapolist...
Aggressive, primitive and violent, the Shining Path murders in the name of freedom. Fanatical terrorists who are trying to destroy Peru's government, the Path's "low budget" warfare has suddenly turned high tech — someone is...
Mack Bolan continues his war against the Mafia. Back in America after crippling the French and British Syndicates, he discovers the five families of the New York Mafia have plans in the political scene. Its strictly winner-take-all with the...
The KGB makes an offer to the European Mafia that it cannot refuse: create a single worldwide syndicate in return for an unlimited arms supply.
The Russians believe that such a crime force would destabilize the West, paving the way for a...
A trap!
So much for undercover operations, thought Bolan. His nighttime parachute drop into Thailand had become an open secret. Enemy gunfire zeroed in on his position. It was survival time in the jungle again!
The Executioner was...
School for Assassins!The hot and arid island of Sicily is infamous as the birthplace of the Mafia. From this Mediterranean spawning ground the deadly forces of evil and corruption have spread to all points of the globe. In the U.S. the...
Stop the Assassination!
The directive came from the White House, and the target was less than twenty miles away in an affluent Maryland suburb.
For Mack Bolan it was a very strange assignment: tooprotect a high-level Iranian...