The Martians, long exiled from their home planet, have for millennia been observers of the world of men. Forbidden by their laws to interfere with human destiny, they wait for mankind to mature. From the turmoil of mid twentieth-century America,...
The novel is set in the Northeastern United States some centuries after an atomic war ended high-technology civilization. The novel follows its title character, Davy (who grew up a ward of the state and thus has no last name) as he grows to...
La compagnia della gloria è l’ultimo romanzo scritto da Pangborn ed è stato pubblicato in America giusto un anno prima della sua morte. È un romanzo che per alcuni versi si riallaccia al suo celebre Davy: è ambientato...
Edgar Pangborn. A Mirror for Observers. 1954.
Эдгар Пенгборн (1909–1976) дебютировал в фантастике поздно, в 1951 г., и написал в этом жанре очень немного —...