Thomas Pitt, mainstay of Her Majesty’s Special Branch, is summoned to Connaught Square mansion where the body of a junior diplomat lies huddled in a wheelbarrow. Nearby stands the tenant of the house, the beautiful and notorious Egyptian woman...
Perry's new hero is William Monk, a Victorian London police detective whose memory has vanished because of an accident. Trying to hide that fact, Monk returns to work and is assigned to the murder case of an exalted war hero. Slowly, the darkness...
Deep in London's dangerous slums, Victorians transacted their most secret and shameful business. For a price, a man could procure whatever he wanted, but it happened now and then that the price he paid was his life.
Now, in sunless Water Lane,...
When Charlotte learned of her mother’s distress in losing a locket with a compromising picture in it, she did not know it was the beginning of several bizarre events that would end in sudden death. Hidden beneath the sumptuous elegance of...