Letters from My Sister

Letters from My Sister
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Год: 2012
Добавил: Admin 6 Окт 17
Проверил: Admin 6 Окт 17
Формат:  EPUB (355 Kb)
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Bells is always writing to her sister Katie, but Katie never replies. Preoccupied with her glamorous career in fashion, her busy life and her boyfriend Sam, she just doesn't have the time.

Then Bells announces that she's coming to stay. She's not a secret exactly, but. . . Sam doesn't know she exists.

For Bells doesn't fit into Katie's perfect world.

But when Bells does arrive, everything changes for Katie. Perhaps her perfect life isn't so perfect after all?

Letters From My Sister, originally published as Look the World in the Eye, is a wonderfully funny and moving novel from the bestselling author Alice Peterson.

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