When an award-winning foreign journalist reveals the existence of an Amsterdam-based sweatshop known as a “knot shop” that employs and enslaves young girls as laborers, private security firm Rutherford Risk is hired by a philanthropist to find...
Boldt plays jazz piano one night a week in a local bar, and despite his concern for his hands, he takes every opportunity he can to get away from his desk and into the streets. But money pressures, caused by his wife's recent illness, also make...
Sun Valley sheriff Walt Fleming's budding relationship with photographer Fiona Kenshaw hits a rough patch after Fiona is involved in a heroic river rescue and she attempts to duck the press. Despite her job and her laudable actions, she begs Walt...
In this third installment of Pearson's Sun Valley series, KILLER SUMMER takes us back to the high-stakes world of the wealthy and politically connected – just in time for the area's 17th Annual Wine Auction. The world's most elite wine...
When a skier goes missing at Sun Valley 's Galena Summit, Sheriff Walt Fleming quickly assembles his crack search-and-rescue team and heads out into the snowy night. Despite the treacherous conditions, Walt and his group, including deputy Tommy...
An unofficial strike is stretching the Seattle police force to breaking point. Detective Lou Boldt is committed to remaining on the job come what may, but when the city is hit by a string of robberies and the brutal near-murder of a female cop,...