Hailed by Time as an "extravagantly comic" novel, A Woman Named Drown is a wild and strange journey through America's South that follows a young PhD dropout who falls in with an amateur actress-cum-pool shark On the brink of earning his doctorate...
Aliens of Affection marks new territory for Padgett Powell, picking up where his first collection of stories, Typical, left off. Although his characters continue to revolt against the received instructions of modern American living-refusing to be...
From the highly acclaimed author of Edisto and The Interrogative Mood, Padgett Powell’s new collection of stories, Cries for Help, Various, follows his mentor Donald Barthelme’s advice that “wacky mode” must “break their hearts.” The...
In the sequel to Powell’s acclaimed debut, Edisto, Simons Manigault is older — if not particularly wiser — and searching for the cure to his restlessness in memory, travel, and forbidden love.
Fourteen years after we first met Simons...
A phantasmagoric dream of a novel, exploring the mind of a housewife enamored of historical personages, twisted love stories, and strange conspiracies.
Mrs. Hollingsworth sits at her kitchen table, compiling her grocery list. The subject of the...
At her kitchen table somewhere in the South, Padgett Powell's narrator embarks on a spirited and often hilarious imagining of certain historical figures and current national preoccupations. Ostensibly writing her grocery list, Mrs. Hollingsworth...
Twenty-three surreal fictions-stories, character assassinations, and mini-travelogues-from one of the most heralded writers of the American South There are many things that repulse "Dr. Ordinary." "Kansas" is notable for its distinct lack of...
The cult hit The Interrogative Mood — a Best Book of the Year selection by Amazon.com, GQ, The Believer, Time Out New York, and elsewhere — reminded readers that Padgett Powell is one of the enduring stars of American fiction, an...