The acclaimed Science of Discworld centred around an original Pratchett story about the Wizards of Discworld. In it they accidentally witnessed the creation and evolution of our universe, a plot which was interleaved with a Cohen & Stewart...
Erneut ist etwas faul auf der Rundwelt: Eine Eiszeit droht den Planeten zu überrollen, doch die Menschen machen keine Anstalten, ihre Welt zu verlassen.Rincewind und Ridcully erkennen, dass sich die Realitäten verschoben haben. Charles Darwin...
'It wasn't a thing, it was a bit of shaped sky ...'Somewhere in a place so far up there is no down, a ship is waiting to take the nomes home - back to wherever they came from. And one nome, Masklin, knows that they've got to try and contact this...
'And Grimma said, We have two choices.We can run, or we hide.And they said, Which shall we do?She said, We shall Fight.'A Bright New Dawn is just around the corner for thousands of tiny nomes when they move into the ruined buildings of an abandoned...
A talking cat, intelligent rats, and a strange boy cooperate in a Pied Piper scam until they try to con the wrong town and are confronted by a deadly evil rat...
Under the floorboards of the Store is a world of four-inch-tall nomes that humans never see. It is commonly known among these nomes that Arnold Bros. created the Store for them to live in, and he declared: "Everything Under One Roof." Therefore...
The Unadulterated Cat is becoming an endangered species as more and more of us settle for those boring mass-produced cats the ad-men sell us—the pussies that purr into their gold-plated food bowls on the telly. But the Campaign for Real...