Maria Isabella Boyd’s success as a Confederate spy has made her too famous for further espionage work, and now her employment options are slim. Exiled, widowed, and on the brink of poverty…she reluctantly goes to work for the Pinkerton National...
Ex-spy ‘Belle Boyd’ is retired – more or less. Retired from spying on the Confederacy anyway. Her short-lived marriage to a Union navy boy cast suspicion on those Southern loyalties, so her mid-forties found her unemployed, widowed and...
Najnowsze odkrycie steampunku. Ponury świat śmiertelnych gazów, tajemniczych maszyn, piratów w zeppelinach i nieustającej plagi zombie.
W pierwszych latach wojny secesyjnej pogłoski o złocie ściągnęły hordy przybyszów na...