Bill Pronzini, famed for his “Nameless” detective series, displays his darker side, along with his remarkable breadth, in this stunning collection of 19 stories. We meet an array of characters fit for nightmares. A hapless store clerk who only...
A series of seemingly random murders along a fifty-mile stretch of the rugged northern California coast, committed by an unknown dubbed by the media the Coastline Killer. A young couple with marital problems, Shelby and Jay Macklin, who decide to...
A scintillating new thriller by one of the masters of the genre, following his Grand Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America.
'When Geena finally left him and filed for divorce, Fallon put the Encino house up for sale and took the last...
Jordan Wise is a mild-mannered accountant with a large San Francisco engineering firm in the late 1970s. By his own admission, the first thirty-four years of his life were dull, empty. But that all changes when he meets and falls in love with...
A simple case of blackmail gets lethally complicated when “Nameless,” Bill Pronzini’s seasoned private-eye, exposes a nasty scam that involves junior accounts executive Jay Cohalan, his unhappy wife, and a mistress with a serious drug problem....
A stunning psychological study of a man’s obsession and search for the truth, and a brilliant mystery that moves from San Francisco to a small, insular desert community in Nevada, Blue Lonesome is a masterful novel of suspense written by an author...
In response to a string of gold thefts in a Mother Lode mine, Quincannon goes undercover as a newly-hired miner to identify and capture the men responsible. Meanwhile, Sabina finds herself not only making plans for her and Quincannon’s wedding,...