The perfect Halloween literary treat: three Brothers Grimm fairy tales retold by Philip Pullman, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Golden Compass
Here are three enchanting Brothers Grimm fairy tales retold by one of the most...
From the writer of The Golden Compass – controversial for its depiction of a patriarchal and inhumane Catholic-like institution – comes an articulation of his belief through the "myth" of the life of Jesus Christ.
Does for the Gospels what...
The universe has broken wide, and Lyra's friend lies dead. Desperate for answers and set on revenge, Lyra bursts into a new world in pursuit of his killer. Instead, she finds Will, just twelve years old and already a murderer himself. He's on a...
Akcja „Zorzy północnej” – pierwszego tomu trylogii pt. „Mroczne materie” – rozgrywa się we wszechświecie podobnym do naszego, ale jednocześnie różniącym się od niego pod wieloma...
Filips Pulmans
Triloģijas tumŠĀs matĒrijas pirmā daļa
Kad pazūd Liras draugs Rodžers, meitene un viņas dēmons Panteleimons nolemj zēnu atrast. Meklējumu rezultātā abi drosminieki nonāk ziemeļu nemīlīgajā...