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In the Shadow of Kings

In the Shadow of Kings

Серия: Time of Dragons #2
Год: 2024
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ONLY ONE CAN END THE WAR. HE STANDS BETWEEN TWO WORLDS, A SAVIOUR AND A DESTROYER TO BOTH. DRAGONS AND AEGRES WILL FALL. BUT ONE CAN TURN THE TIDE. One who stands in the shadow of kings. Such has been seen by the doomed. The weight of ten thousand...
Once There Were Heroes

Once There Were Heroes

Серия: Time of Dragons #1
Год: 2023
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THE GODS ARE DEAD. IN THEIR ABSENCE, THERE CAN BE ONLY CHAOS. ONLY WAR. AND THEY ARE NOT ALL THAT HAS FADED FROM THE WORLD OF VERDA... Once there were heroes. Brave men and women who showed their quality to be above the rest. Those whose deeds...
A Dance of Fang and Claw

A Dance of Fang and Claw

Серия: Ranger Archives #3
Год: 2022
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Rangers aren’t born, they’re forged Never has this been more true for Asher, who must train a new ranger… or be the one to hunt him down. Surviving an encounter with a Werewolf has changed Russell Maybury’s life forever. If he is to salvage...
Blood and Coin

Blood and Coin

Серия: Ranger Archives #2
Год: 2022
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Monsters breed legends… and legends breed monsters. This is the way of things. This is the way of the Ranger. Turned from the path of the assassin, Asher roams the world no better than a nomad, with naught to offer but his sword and grit. But woe...
Court of Assassins

Court of Assassins

Серия: Ranger Archives #1
Год: 2022
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IF ONLY IT WERE SO… In those halls of darkness, where children are taken from the world and given to shadow and dust, Asher is destined for that same fate. He will become the myth. He will become the legend. He will become the whisper of Death...
A Clash of Fates

A Clash of Fates

Серия: The Echoes Saga #9
Год: 2021
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THIS IS THE END. How could it not be? Fate waits for none. It has unravelled across the ages, its web woven throughout millennia of chaos and blood. Now, all that was seen shall come to pass and there is nothing the heroes of Verda can do to stop...
Last of the Dragorn

Last of the Dragorn

Серия: The Echoes Saga #8
Год: 2020
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THERE IS NO WAR. THERE IS ONLY REBELLION. Alijah's reign sweeps from Erador to Ayda. Those who would stand against the king are few, their numbers cast across too many battlefields. Does hope lie in the east? Can the elves turn the tide and keep The...
Rise of the Ranger

Rise of the Ranger

Серия: The Echoes Saga #1
Язык: русский
Год: 2017
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Mankind has lorded over the land of Illian for a thousand years, building on the ruins left by the elves, as if it were their birthright. A thousand years is a long time for an immortal race to see the truth of things, a truth that has remained...
The Knights of Erador

The Knights of Erador

Серия: The Echoes Saga #7
Год: 2020
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It’s fifteen years since the Orcs were defeated. Fifteen years since a new king rose from the battlefield. Fifteen years since Illian knew the horror of war. Fifteen years of peace are about to end. Something is coming. Shadows gather. Whispers of...
Age of the King

Age of the King

Серия: The Echoes Saga #6
Год: 2019
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The scales have tipped. The battle for Namdhor, the north, and the entire realm of man was a sure victory for the orcs. But they lost. Now, under the rule of a would-be-king, the armies of man fuel the war when they should be bolstering their...