The Empire of Sigmar is under constant threat, and only its great armies and mighty heroes hold the darkness at bay. Kurt Helborg, Ludwig Schwarzhelm, Luthor Huss… these are names that are known across the land. Their adventures are legend, their...
In the hellish sprawl of Imperial Terra, Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Erasmus Crowl serves as a stalwart and vigilant protector, for even the Throneworld is not immune to the predations of its enemies. In the course of his Emperor-sworn duty, Crowl...
Inquisitor Erasmus Crowl and his acolyte Spinoza face new dangers as the Great Rift opens and a new, bloody age dawns. Can Crowl stay true to his course and expose the horror that lies at the heart of the Hollow Mountain?
A Horus Heresy novella
After the Triumph at Ullanor, Jaghatai Khan led the White Scars to Chondax and then vanished from all sight. Only after years of war against the orks does his story become known...
This is the first time the...
A Space Wolves Novel
As the Imperium crumbles around them and darkness descends, the Space Wolves of Járnhamar Pack seek vengeance for old wrongs – whatever the cost.
Discover what Járnhamar Pack got up to as the 13th Black...