Dos inocentes niñas han sido secuestradas y asesinadas en Edimburgo para asombro de la opinión pública, que se ha visto conmocionada ante tal crimen.
El veterano inspector John Rebus, alcohólico y fumador empedernido,...
Some cases never leave you. For John Rebus, forty years may have passed, but the death of beautiful, promiscuous Maria Turquand still preys on his mind. Murdered in her hotel room on the night a famous rock star and his entourage were staying there,...
Inspector John Rebus has messed up badly this time, so badly that he’s been sent to a kind of reform school for damaged cops. While there among the last-chancers known as “resurrection men,” he joins a covert mission to gain evidence of a drug...
Edinburgh, ‘a mad god’s dream / Fitful and dark’, is about to become the home of the first Scottish parliament in nigh on three hundred years. It’s a momentous time and political passions run high...
Detective Inspector John Rebus is...
SOMEONE IS STRIPPING JACK NAKED… Gregor Jack, MP, well like, young, married to the fiery Elizabeth to the outside world a very public sucess story. But Jack's carefully nurtured career plans take a tumble after a 'mistake' during a police raid on...
W Edynburgu zaginęła mała dziewczynka. Prawdopodobnie czeka ją taki sam los jak dwie pozostałe ofiary brutalnego mordercy – śmierć przez uduszenie sznurkiem z zawiązanymi supłami. John Rebus, detektyw...
'Mustn't complain' – but people always do… Nobody likes The Complaints – they're the cops who investigate other cops. Complaints and Conduct Department, to give them their full title, but known colloquially as 'The Dark Side', or simply 'The...
In this scorching crime hook-up, number one bestseller Ian Rankin and Scottish crime-writing legend William McIlvanney join forces for the first ever case of DI Laidlaw, Glasgow’s original gritty detective.
If the truth’s in the shadows, get...