
Историческая проза
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
Издатель: Arrow Books
ISBN: 978-0-099-63520-8
Город: London
Добавил: Admin 13 Авг 18
Проверил: Admin 13 Авг 18
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Panoramic, sweeping, monumental, haunting: a story of four families which spans the centuries of Russia from Edward Rutherford, the author of Paris, London and New York.
In this vast and gorgeous tapestry of a novel, serf and master, Cossack and tsar, priest and Jew are brought together in a family saga which unrolls through centuries of history to reveal that most impenetrable and mysterious of lands – Russia. Through the life of a little town east of Moscow in the Russian heartland, Edward Rutherfurd creates a sweeping family saga from the baffling contradictions of Russia’s culture and her peoples – bleak yet exotic, brutal but romantic, land of ritual yet riddled with superstitious fears. From Russia’s dawn and the cruel Tatar invasions to Ivan the Terrible and the wild Cossacks, from Peter, Catherine and the days of War and Peace to the drama of the Revolution and the extraordinary events of today – here is Russia’s story in a spellbinding novel – history recreated with breathtaking detail and passion.

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