La Gran Nave lleva viajando por el espacio más tiempo del que su tripulación es capaz de recordar. Desde que, hace algunos milenios, entró en la Vía Láctea y fue colonizado por los humanos, este colosal vehículo del...
The Ship has traveled the universe for longer than any of the near-immortal crew can recall, its true purpose and origins unknown. Larger than many planets, it houses thousands of alien races and just as many secrets. Now one has been discovered:...
Robert Reed has had a run of good fortune lately.
His short story, “Decency” (June 1996), won our Eleventh Annual Readers’ Award Poll, and it is currently nominated for a Hugo award. In September, his latest novel, Beneath the Gated Sky (a...
One million years from now. It’s a span of time so huge that it's hard for the mind to grasp. Even within science fiction, to conjure up a convincing portrait of what humanity might be like in such a remote future calls for writers with rare...