Clark Savage, Jr. the inspiration for Superman and James Bond, along with Renny, Johnny, Ham, Monk and Long Tom, as they journey to Central America to reclaim Doc's...
The greatest crime fighter of the forties returns!
In the roaring heart of the crucible, steel is made. In the raging flame of personal tragedy, men are sometimes forged into something more than human.
It was so with Dick Benson. He had been...
The greatest crime fighter of the forties returns!
In the roaring heart of the crucible, steel is made. In the raging flame of personal tragedy, men are sometimes forged into something more than human.
It was so with Dick Benson. He had been...
The greatest crime fighter of the forties returns!
In the roaring heart of the crucible, steel is made. In the raging flame of personal tragedy, men are sometimes forged into something more than human.
It was so with Dick Benson. He had been...