Comprised of seven short stories set during varying points of an undead apocalypse, this collection explores the roles sex and sexuality may play in determing survival in this nightmare landscape. Stories include Dance With the Dead, Night of the...
The old house knew the taste of blood. It was as familiar with screams as it was the wind whistling through the desolate pine forest in which it hid. For within its walls, a sadistic evil had taken root in the minds of its residents: a family...
Bosley Coughlin can travel through time. And the future does not look good.
Through a heady cocktail of drugs and the occult, Bosley slips through time and space and glimpses The End. Cities lay in ruins, and those who still cling to life...
Outside, the city is embroiled in violent chaos: street fights rage with the ferocity of urban warfare, buildings burn unchecked, and blood flows along the sidewalks and drips into the depths of the hungry gutters. The entire country, it seems,...
In an apocalyptic world where the dead roam the earth, Carl Teegarden lays dying. Fatally wounded by the undead, he watches his lifeblood drain from his ravaged body and struggles to come to terms with his inevitable fate. Knowing that this fate...